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What are the benefits of a whirlpool bath?

What are the benefits of a whirlpool bath?

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 19th February 2019

You might be considering getting a luxury whirlpool bath for your home, but are you aware of just how much hydrotherapy might improve your life?

This is a serious matter and shouldn't be taken lightly. Hopefully this article will make it clear just how beneficial a spa bath could be to your well-being.

Helps you to relax

There's a reason the Victorian's used to go to places like Bath and Leamington Spa. Hydrotherapy was recognised even back then as being good for the body.

Stepping into a whirlpool bath helps you to destress and forget about the problems of the outside world.

Many Doctors and the NHS recommend a hot bath before you go to bed due to it's ability to help with falling asleep.

Helps to increase blood circulation

The mix of air and water that is gently circulated in a whirlpool bath by the in-built jets produces a really nice bubbling effect.

This bubbling provides a type of massage for your arteries, veins and capillaries, opening them up and helping the blood to flow around your body more easily.

Increased blood circulation is associated with all sorts of health benefits, such as a reduction in joint pain and aching muscles.

Helps with increased flexibility

Linked to the benefit above, relaxing in a hot whirlpool bath can help with stiff limbs and improve your flexibility.

The warmth and bubbles combined can increase the extensibility of muscles and their connective tissues resulting in a greater range of motion.

Helps to improve your skin

We've all heard about toxins in the body that can give pour skin a dull appearance.

A warm whirlpool bath creates a higher level of oxygen intake and can therefore accelerate the process of the toxins in your body coming to the surface and being drawn away, leaving your skin with a much cleaner and healthier glow.

Huge range of luxury whirlpool baths

If these benefits have convinced you that a regular luxury soak at home would be beneficial to your health, then please check out our fantastic range of whirlpool baths on our website.

We have a variety of styles shapes and styles to suit all budgets!


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5 bathroom ideas for a modern home

• The Super Lux 20 Jet Whirlpool Bath System

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