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Top Tips For Saving Water In Your Home

Top Tips For Saving Water In Your Home

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 25th September 2018

Knowing how to save water is an important skill to put into practise all year  round, regardless of whether it's a scorching summer or a wash-out winter. Saving water in and around your home will not only help the environment but will reduce your water bills if you are on a water meter. Here are some top tips on how to save water in your kitchen, bathroom and in the garden.
  • How to save water in the kitchen
  • How to save water in the bathroom
  • How to save water in the garden

How to save water in the kitchen:

Make sure any dripping taps are fixed. Dripping taps can waste between 12 and 20 litres of water every day, which all adds up if your water is metered. Only boiling what you need in the kettle or in saucepans will not only save water but will reduce energy usage too. If you like cold drinking water, rather than let the tap run until the water is cold enough, fill a jug up with tap water and put it in the fridge to keep it chilled. Don’t rinse dishes under a running tap, this will only waste water. Also, if you are using a bowl of water to wash vegetables, the left over water can be used to water plants. Before switching the washing machine on make sure that is has a full load. An average size washing machine uses around 9.5 litres of water for every kilogram of clothes it washes. The same applies to your dishwasher too, make sure you fill it up and always use an eco setting that uses less water.

How to save water in the bathroom:

When brushing your teeth don’t leave the tap running, always turn it off to save water. Reduce how much water your toilet uses when flushed with a water saving device fitted inside the cistern. Old toilets use more water compared to newer versions, so think about installing a new toilet with a dual flush cistern, some use just 4 or 2 litres of water. Have a shower instead of a bath. A bath can use around 180 litres of water compared to a shower, which can use just 90 litres. There are also water saving shower heads available that reduce water usage even more. When having a shower turn it off when lathering up or shampooing to help save even more water.

How to save water in the garden

A sprinkler can use up to 1,000 litres of water in just one hour, instead use a watering can which uses much less water. Water your plants on a weekly basis rather than daily. The most beneficial time to water your plants is in the evening and water the soil rather than the actual plant. Use buckets of water to wash your car rather than a hose-pipe. A water butt makes a great buy for your garden and can store all the water your garden requires to stay green during the summer months. Line the inside of plant pots with plastic to help reduce evaporation.
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