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How to stop a bath shower screen from leaking

How to stop a bath shower screen from leaking

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 7th September 2021

One of the main benefits of having a shower is the speed and simplicity it provides over having a bath. So when you jump out of the shower in a rush to get to work or make a social appointment, the last thing you want to do is have to spend time clearing up water that has leaked out of your shower screen onto the floor.

It's annoying, time-consuming and completely undermines the main benefit of showering. Fortunately, fixing a leak in a shower screen is usually pretty easy, as long as you can locate the source of the leak. In this article, we'll run you through this exact process to enable you to fix the issue yourself.

Beware of ignoring the problem

Water is capable of causing immense damage to a property if it finds itself in an area that it's not supposed to be and a leak is something that should be dealt with as soon as possible. Small leaks can be very easy to dismiss, but burying your head in the sand and ignoring even the smallest of leaks can cost you big time in the end.

Small leaks virtually never go away on their own and more often turn into big leaks if unchecked. A small amount of water can cause a lot of structural damage to a home if allowed to trickle out over a long period of time and an accumulation of water in a puddle can cause problems for older people or those with mobility problems.

Even leaks that don't lead to expensive damage can cause aesthetically annoying problems like black mould or other discolouration of materials, making you feel annoyed an uninspired each time you enter your bathroom.

The best way to avert any problems, major or minor, is by identifying and fix a small leak as soon as you notice it.

A bath and shower with shower screen

What can cause your shower screen to leak?

There are several reasons why your bath or shower screen is leaking water and you might be surprised to learn that new screens or doors can suffer from this problem just as much as old ones.

The main reasons for a leaky shower screen are:

  • Gaps in the sealant
    You've probably noticed around the points your bath or shower makes contact with the wall, that there is a layer of white silicone sealant. This provides a waterproof seal that stops water escaping and ensures it goes down the drain correctly. If there are gaps in the sealant by the door, the water will likely be trickling out onto the floor.
  • Bottom seal problem
    At the bottom of your shower door or screen, you should notice a long rubber seal, known as the bottom seal or sweep. If the rubber has deteriorated or if the seal has been wrongly installed, then this is probably where the water is leaking from. If the seal has been completely removed and reveals a large gap at the bottom of the screen, this will definitely be a major part of the problem.
  • Blocked drain holes
    Most shower screens have drain holes at the bottom to allow any water running down the screen to run off into the bath or shower. Overtime these holes can become blocked with dust, dirt and other debris which means they are not draining the water away and it is dripping onto the floor.

How to fix your leaking bath shower screen

The good news about this type of problem is that it's relatively easy to fix without the need for a professional, particularly if you catch the problem early.

The best way to locate where the leak is coming from is to turn on the shower, close the door and stand outside watching. Look up close at the point where your screen connects to the wall and where the shower door bottom seal meets the bath or shower. If the leak doesn't reveal itself immediately, then go back in the shower and spray water against the wall and towards the bottom of the door to see if this makes a difference. By this time you should have a pretty accurate idea of where the water is leaking out from.

If the leak is along the wall where the door meets the wall, then this is likely caused by insufficient waterproofing from the silicone sealant. If the sealant is black and discoloured then its best to remove the old sealant with Sealant Remover and applying fresh new sealant. If the old sealant is still bright and white, you might be able to get away with blocking up any holes (assuming you can see them) with the new stuff.

If the leak appears to be coming from under the screen, then this could be a bottom seal problem or blocked drainage holes. To unblock the drainage holes you can feel underneath the screen to locate then and push something thin (like a coat hanger or small screwdriver) up into them. This should be enough to dislodge and remove any dirt. If this doesn't solve the problem then look at the integrity of the bottom seal. See if it's deteriorated or incorrectly installed and fix or refit accordingly.

Having done all this, if water is still leaking out each time you take a shower then it's time to call in a professional. You can be happy you've done your best to locate the problem but you'll have to accept defeat and get someone else to resolve the issue quickly.

Wetroom shower

Quality bath and shower screens

If you are in need of a brand new shower screen, then make sure you take a look at our range at Luna Spas.

A common oversight when installing a shower on to the bath, finding the right bath or shower screen can cause a bit of confusion. It's important to have one that fits perfectly with your current bath setup and won’t create any hassle by causing wet spots on the floor or not protecting from spray the way you hoped it would.

Bath screens available here at Luna Spas are fantastic if you’re looking for a no-fuss solution to having a shower and want a screen at an affordable price.

We have a small range that fits baths of all sizes and shapes, all made with a contemporary finish.


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