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How best to clean your shower correctly

How best to clean your shower correctly

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 17th May 2018

Ensuring that your shower enclosure looks in top condition can be a difficult challenge and over time shampoo and shower gel can leave deposits on the glass, which can leave your shower enclosure looking dull and unclean. For those who live in a hard-water area, limescale deposits will leave unsightly water marks on the glass doors over time. So, to keep your shower enclosure looking clean and sparkling here are some handy tips.

How to clean shower enclosure glass

  • Regular cleaning is a must for keeping on top of limescale deposits as not only will it make the task easier and quicker but will ensure your shower glass looks gleaming.
  • Rinsing around the shower enclosure after every shower will help to prevent soap and shampoo scum from building up.
  • Spray glass cleaner onto any marks or deposits, leave for a minute then using a soft cloth or paper towel rub the glass cleaner into the shower enclosure glass using circular movements to avoid smears. To remove stubborn limescale deposits a bit of elbow grease will go a long way.

How to clean the shower head

Your shower head can also quickly build up mould and limescale, which can cause the nozzles to become clogged or blocked up resulting in a trickle of water, so to ensure your shower head is kept in top working order here are some useful tips.
  • Unscrewing your handheld shower head from the hose will make cleaning far more easier than trying to clean it while standing in the shower enclosure.
  • If possible unscrew the shower head cover as this will allow for a more thorough clean.
  • Soaking the shower head in a bowl of white wine vinegar for approximately 15 minutes will really help to loosen dirt and limescale. Leave for one to two hours for more stubborn limescale.
  • An old toothbrush is all you require to scrub the shower head, this helps to clear each of the nozzles, if there is stubborn dirt poke a small piece of wire into each nozzle.
  • Finally, screw the shower head back together and attach to the hose and turn on the shower to ensure that the water flows freely.

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