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Can you take a bath after using self-tanner?

Can you take a bath after using self-tanner?

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 31st May 2022

Living in the UK means that there isn't much opportunity to get a natural tan due to our climate. Not everyone has the means to go abroad to a country where the sun is guaranteed and get their tan that way. Many people like the healthy appearance that a tan can give off, so the best way of getting a tan is by using a self-tanning product. This method also avoids getting on a sun bed so is preferred by many simply for being a healthy way of having a tan.

A common and understandable question a lot of people have is whether it's ok to have a bath or shower after applying fake tan and whether or not it will wash off. In this article, we'll take a look at that issue and provide you with some useful information to help you self-tan and wash without worrying.

How to get a long long lasting fake tan

Before we get into bathing after you've applied a tanning product, it's important to take some steps before you apply it to maximise the time it lasts on your skin.

Preparing your skin before you apply the self-tan will work wonders and help to make the effects more long lasting. The night before or at least a few hours before applying the tanner, exfoliate your skin to remove any dead skin cells. Having smooth and clean skin will ensure the tanner is absorbed more thoroughly and will create an even and longer lasting tan.

Applying the tan according to the manufacturer's instructions will also help ensure you get a better quality result. Keep in mind that any dry spots on your skin will absorb the tan more quickly and can end up looking darker than other areas of your body. Such body parts that are prone to darkening are elbows, ankles and knees, so make sure you use the product more sparingly on these areas. Wash your hands throughly immediately after application so that your hands don't stain, especially the part where your fingers meet your palm.

After applying you'll need to leave the tanner to develop and generate it's colour. This can take as long as 8 hours depending on the product, so it's best to avoid doing vigorous exercise, moisturising or showering during this time. You'll get a better colour that is even and long-lasting by being careful in the hours after application.

When to bathe after self-tanning

As mentioned above, some self-tanning products require you to leave them on your skin for up to 8 hours before washing. If you have a shower or a bath before the tanner has been fully absorbed into your skin then you run the serious risk of getting streaks in the tan on your body. While this can easily be covered up with clothing, if you were self-tanning with the intention of showing off your body then you may be very disappointed if you wash too soon and end up with streaks.

After 8 hours, you should be fine to get in the shower or take a soak in the tub without worrying about your tan getting streaky or washing off prematurely. Self tanner tends to fade naturally on its own after a few days but shouldn't be affected by washing assuming you've allowed those initial 8 hours to pass.

If you apply the self-tanner but can immediately see you haven't applied it evenly, then getting in the bath or shower straightaway will enable you to wash of the tanner and start again.

Self tanner and whirlpool baths

When putting on a self-tanning product, it's very important you follow the instructions and allow the colour to develop over the hours specified by the product manufacturer. It's best to avoid getting into a bath straight after tanning because you won't want to risk staining the white tub. Self tan that has been left onto the surface of a bath tub and allowed to absorb can be difficult to remove and may leave unsightly stains on the inside of the bath.

When it comes to whirlpool tubs, not only might you risk staining the tub, but you also face the prospect of the oily self tan cream running into the inner workings of the jets. While you might get away with this once or twice, repeatedly getting into a whirlpool bath immediately after applying self-tan will eventually cause clogging and impact the ability of the bath to drain.

By following the instructions and allowing plenty of time for the self-tanner to be absorbed into your skin, you can get into a whirlpool bath safe in the knowledge that your tan won't be washed off and your whirlpool bath won't be unnecessarily clogged up!


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