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Bath vs showers: what uses more water?

Bath vs showers: what uses more water?

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 23rd June 2020

It's commonly assumed that baths waste far more water than a shower and that a shower is the more water efficient way of washing yourself. However is this true?

In this article, we will look at whether a bath or a shower uses more water.

How many litres of water are used?


A typical bath can hold approximately 80 litres of water.

While this might seem a lot, you probably wouldn't fill a bath right up to the top which will reduce the typical bath's water usage to below this amount.

Additionally, once you've filled up your bath, that's usually the limit to what you'll use. You'll put in the plug, fill up the bath, wash yourself, then let the water out.


A typical power shower run for 8 minutes will use around 135 litres of water. This is obviously a lot more than a bath, so think about all the times you've had a 15 or 20 min shower and consider the amount of water that uses.

Because water isn't contained in a bath, it's so easy to get through a massive amount of water without even realising, especially with the increasingly-popular power showers.

Compare a power shower to an electric shower, where an 8 minute shower will use about 62 litres of water.

Luxury whirlpool baths

Solarna easy access whirlpool bath with shower

Now that we've established that, in many cases, a bath can use less water than a power shower, you may want to consider installing a whirlpool bath in your home.

You can combine the relaxing feeling of a standard bath, with the therapeutic cascading effect of a power shower with the jet systems incorporated into a spa bath.

Controllable water jets fitted into the shell of the bath can emit bubbles into the water, providing a soothing massaging effect on your skin and muscles.

Hydrotherapy has been credited with easing many ailments such as joint pain, stress and improving blood circulation.

Many of our luxury spa baths also come with shower options, so you can relax knowing that our water efficient baths can provide you with all the options you need.


• Finding a comfortable bath for your home

What is the standard bath size?

Whirlpool baths with or without a shower?

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