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Should you be bathing your dog in the bathtub?

Should you be bathing your dog in the bathtub?

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 19th April 2022

While many people will take their dog periodically to the doggie parlour to be clipped and washed, this can quickly become rather expensive if done on a regular basis. If you live in a rural area and your dog likes going out and rolling around in mud or going swimming, then your dog is going to need to be given a wash much more often than a dog that spends most of its time inside.

For washing your dog at home then a common question is whether or not it's suitable to do this in the bathtub? While the answer is technically yes, there are a few things to take into consideration when deciding to do this.

Germs, disease and infection

While there is no doubt that you love your dog, think about whether you are happy to wash yourself or members of your family in the same tub as you've been washing your dog.

Dogs can pick up a lot of germs and bacteria in their fur during the course of the day, whether it be from the tight spaces they squeeze into, sniffing around rubbish or simply by interacting with other dogs. Of course, the risks of actually catching something from your dog is pretty low, but it's not impossible so definitely worthy of consideration.

Some reasons you might want to wash your dog elsewhere than in the bath is if you or any other members of you family have any of the following:

  • Open skin wounds
  • Skin infections
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Pregnant
  • More prone to infection, like babies or the elderly

You also need to think about whether your dog has been poorly, with such things as an upset stomach, worms, fleas or if it has been rolling in something particularly unpleasant like fox poo.

Non of this is too say that you can't wash your dog in the bat, these are simply points to keep in mind if your dog or anyone in your family hasn't been at peak health recently.

Alternative options

If you have the luxury of a utility room with a large sink, then this could be a great alternative place to wash your dog. A utility room is not where you would normally bath yourself, nor would it be a place where food is prepared, so could be a great option.

If your dog is too big or you don't have a utility room, then another good option is to wash your dog outside by an outdoor tap. A hose with a trigger and shower-type attachment would make it easy to wash your dog without making a mess outside. Using something like an old steel bath or large plastic container would be a useful place o stand your dog some that it can't easily squirm away and will keep the water and suds contained.

Comprehensively clean your bath

It may very well be the case that your bathtub is the only convenient place to wash your dog, so who are we to tell you you can't do it, especially when it's a case of personal preference?!

The only thing we would recommend is that you clean your bath with hot water and an antibacterial bathroom cleaner. This will ensure that any germs your dog has picked up outside won't be transferred to you or any other member of your family hen you next use it

As over-washing dogs is not good for the natural oils in their fur, you might not be washing your dog in your bathtub very often anyway, so the occasional doggie bath time is probably not something you need to worry about too much! If it needs to be done, get it out of the way and clean the bath thoroughly afterwards!

Durable bath panels at Luna Spas

If you do need some strong and hard-wearing bath panels to cope with washing a dog, then Luna Spas does everything possible to ensure that finding the right high-quality panels for your bath is both easy and affordable.

Bath panels play an important role. Not only do they make sure that water is well-contained when you are enjoying time in the tub, but they also play an important aesthetic role by covering part of your chosen bath and matching the rest of your bathroom’s décor.

If you are looking to give your bathroom a refresh without breaking the bank, changing up your bath panels is the ideal way to get a fresh new look easily and quickly.

With this in mind, it is important that you choose the right panel for your bathroom from an experienced and respected supplier like Luna Spas.


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