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How to make the most of odd shaped bathrooms

How to make the most of odd shaped bathrooms

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 17th November 2020

When it comes to bathrooms, not all are created equal. Bathrooms and en-suites are often squeezed into houses to provide extra convenience, but this is often done at the expense of space.

There can sometimes be special cases where you have to plan your bathroom design and layout around a oddly-shaped room. In this article we'll look at how best to cope in these situations.

Make the most of what you've got

It's important to not get too hung up about your bathroom being less than ideally shaped. It is what it is so you'll get far less stressed by embracing it rather than going to expensive and time-consuming efforts to change it.

If your ceiling slopes or the room is narrower at one end, then plan your layout accordingly. Can you slot a corner bath into one end? Can an alcove be filled with a shower cubicle? Can you make creative use of a low ceiling for storage units?

Simply by accepting what you have recognising what you can't do, you'll free yourself up to make the most of what you can do.

Space saving furniture

Bathroom furniture manufacture's have long recognised the need for small and uniquely shaped furniture to match the surroundings.

Toilets with small cisterns, corner vanity units and wall hung basins are all great ways of ensuring your get big bathroom features into your small and oddly-shaped bathroom.

Plenty of shelving is also a good way of ensuring you've got plenty of space to store things while still retaining floor space.

Personalise your room

Adding your personal touches to your bathroom can successfully distract the eye from the fact that it's less than ideally shaped.

Nice wall displays or quirky ornaments will enable you to inject your own personality. Well-placed mirrors and tasteful lighting will help to open up the space and give the impression your bathroom is larger and more orthodox than it actually is.

The more you can plan your bathroom to accept and embrace its limitations, the less restricted you'll feel and the strange shape of the room will no longer be a problem!


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