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How to fit an acrylic bath panel

How to fit an acrylic bath panel

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 19th November 2019

If you are redoing your bathroom, but want to keep some of your costs down, a fairly easy task you can do yourself is fitting an acrylic bath panel.

Manufacturers do not make too many different sizes of bath panel, so assuming you've measured your bath and got the correct dimensions for your bath panel, fitting it should not be too difficult.

Step 1

Begin by pressing the new panel to the side of the bath and be sure to make a note of any pipes, skirting boards or uneven surfaces. Then make any required adjustments to the panel.

Place the panel back in position against the bath and check that the panel fits correctly. Use a spirit level to make sure it's flush and straight.

Step 2

For the next step, use a piece of rebated timber for each panel that you're fitting. These are available for purchase or, alternatively, a strip of timber fixed to a wooden batten will also suffice.

Step 3

Mark where the panel sits against the floor, again using your spirit level and mark it with a pencil. Then line the piece of timber against the marks. The rebated time will allow the necessary room for the bottom edge of the acrylic panel.

The bottom edge and the pencil marks can act as a guide, so adjust the wooden batten as necessary.

Step 4

The batten will now need screwing to the floor using an electric drill.

Be careful that you're not drilling into any wires, underfloor heating or anything else dangerous when you use your drill.

Step 5

Take your acrylic panel and slide the top edge underneath the rim of the bath and move the panel into place, pressing it up to the batten to ensure it is fitted correctly.

If you are also fitting an end panel in order to make your bath look smarter, then you simply need to follow the same steps as above.


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