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Common health questions on taking baths in 2020

Common health questions on taking baths in 2020

By Benjamin Clarke | Published on 19th May 2020

One of the most relaxing things you can do at home is to take a nice hot bath. Closing the door, lighting some candles and putting on some atmospheric music is a fantastic way of briefly escaping from reality without leaving your home.

Quite often, people want to know more about the impact taking a bath can have on their health, so below we answer some of the most common health-related bath questions.

Are baths good for you?

There's a reason the Romans placed such high importance on bathing and it's due to the large health benefits baths can have on your mental and physical wellbeing.

Getting in a warm bath is great for your circulation. When your body comes into contact with the warm water your veins relax, allowing greater blood flow around your whole body.

Increasing the amount of oxygenated blood flowing around your body is fantastic for your muscles and for cleansing the skin.

Are baths good for colds?

While it's common knowledge that there is no cure for the common cold, it's definitely true that a hot bath can help ease the symptoms of a cold.

Getting into a hot (but not scolding) bath can help relax muscles which will reduce stiffness symptomatic of a cold. Joints often hurt when you've got a cold and a bath can also help with easing joint pain.

Adding essential oils or epsom salts to your bath will help with reducing congestion and bringing toxins to the surface.

Are baths bad for you?

There's rarely a time when a bath could be considered bad for you, however there are some things that can reduce the health benefits of having a bath.

Getting into a bath that is too hot runs the risk of burning your skin and bathing just after eating a big meal can slow down digestion.

Having a bath or showering too often can dry out your skin and is also a bit of a waste of water. Washing your hair too much can strip it of it's natural oils, leaving it dry.

If you're older or have mobility problems then making sure you have a grab handle or even a walk-in bath will help reduce the potential for slipping and injuring yourself.

Do baths help infections?

If you've got minor cuts and grazes, then having a warm bath can help clean the broken skin and ease any pain (after the initial shock of getting in!).

However, taking a bath is not necessarily a good idea for intimate infections, especially for women.

For women with infections of a personal nature, bath salts and bubble bath products can exacerbate the infection, so in these situations a very mild product is would be more recommended.

Are baths good for the flu?

Because having a fever is often a symptom of the flu, it's best to avoid having a really hot bath as it could make you feel too hot and light headed.

It's better to have a warm, medium temperature bath as it will stabilise your temperature, helping if you feel hot and feverish or shivering with the chills.

One of the best times for having a bath if you have the flu is shortly before you go to bed. It will reduce your systems and help you to relax which should result in a better night's sleep - the most important thing in overcoming your illness.


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